Our mission is to engage and inspire future innovators, scientists, and entrepreneurs through high-quality STEM-based immersive academies and field opportunities. We work to bridge educational gaps, connecting industry partners to K12 schools to shape the future STEM workforce through strategic initiatives supporting STEM career pathways both military and civilian.

Core Mission Elements

Research-Driven Approach

  • Investigate questions of national and international significance in STEM education

  • Bring research funds into regions to improve STEM learning opportunities

  • Design transformative educational programs that enhance learning at all levels

  • Build partnerships that work collaboratively to illuminate STEM career pathways both military and civilian

Community Empowerment

  • Develop community and industry relationships that support STEM learning opportunities

  • Create accessible STEM learning experiences for underserved populations

  • Develop interdisciplinary programs that inspire future innovators

  • Support educational development through cutting-edge research and technology

Strategic Focus Areas

  • Out-of-school STEM programs for students, teachers and cadre

  • Interdisciplinary curriculum development and design for in-school exploration

  • Support for emerging STEM professionals, particularly women and minorities

  • Professional learning for educators and students on location through internships and STEM research experiences

our company

STEMinACTION is a dynamic non-profit 501(3)(c) organization dedicated to transforming STEM education and creating opportunities for all students.

STEMinACTION operates at the intersection of innovative learning, community partnerships and educational empowerment.

We design, implement, evaluate and research entire programs for the region and the nation but we also assist scientists with their individual broader impacts co-developing creative ways to bring STEM content to more learners.